Infracontra is a research project exploring and mapping infrasound (inaudible low-frequency waves > 20hz) levels within communities. Infrasound has long been known by science to create nausea, respiration difficulty, anxiety and fear within humans. It has also been known to mutate bacteria and is possibly believed to be related to grey matter. Infrasound is the forgotten sonic, meaning its not regulated by any regulatory noise pollution body globally. In order to monitor these levels of infrasound, self-adapted geophones (seismic sensors) are used on location. The project itself is firmly grounded in the theory of Vibrational Anarchitecture: that is, the low-frequency resonation of buildings create ambient infrasound in urban environments along with all other sources of urban infrasonics. The work questions whether this repeated exposure to infrasound is being used as a means of systemic societal control, through the perpetuation of ecological fear seen in rentier capitalism.
2018 - Present